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Upper Level Homeschool

This online course is specifically for homeschooling parents of middle and high school students. Are you prepared? Overwhelmed? Don't let self-doubt, or lack of knowledge, rob you and your teen of these very exciting years! All you need are a few basic "how-to's" and your high schooler can be well on his way to academic success and a very bright future.

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Would you rather purchase these lessons a-la-carte, instead of the full 3 month course? 

For just $3.95 each, you can access any or all of the lessons below. At this price, you can download just one to check them out or purchase a handful as a great source of encouragement, tips and tools for a successful homeschooling through high school experience!

Lesson 1 - Mapping a 4 Year Course of Study - Wondering how to decide which classes your high schooler should take each year? Worried that he might miss a requirement for graduation and/or entry into the college of his choice? This lesson breaks down the process into simple steps.


Lesson 2 - Designing a Course for High School Credit - What are Carnegie Units, you may be wondering, and how do I issue them to my high school student? This lesson describes the 3 most useful methods of assigning high school level credit appropriately.


Lesson 3 - Outsourcing Difficult Subjects - Guess what? You do not have to teach every subject just because you "homeschool". In fact there are at least 2 good reasons to outsource difficult subjects. Find out how to do so and still issue high school credit.


Lesson 4 - Starting and Maintaining a Transcript - Guest author Janice Campbell of Everyday Education and author of Transcripts Made Easy will show you how to keep paperwork and record-keeping simple, accurate and up-to-date.


Lesson 5 - Developing Good Study Habits - This lesson is about helping your student develop and strengthen good study habits. This doesn't come naturally to all kids, but trust me... these are skills that most kids can learn. Good study habits is perhaps the most important skill they can learn while in high school that will carry them through college and beyond.


Lesson 6 - Preparing for Aptitude Tests (SAT/ACT) - This lesson is about helping your student prepare and take the high school aptitude tests, i.e. SAT I, SAT II and/or the ACT. Are these tests truly necessary? How can your student prepare well so that he can do his very best? We'll answer these questions and so many more.


Lesson 7 - Tackling the Timed Essay - Guest author, Kim Kautzer, will outline for you everything you need to know to prepare your student for doing a great job on the 25-30 minute timed essays that are part of the SAT and ACT tests.


Lesson 8 - Taking Courses for Dual Credit - Explore the option of taking classes at your local community college so that your student can receive high school and college credit at the same time.


Lesson 9 - CLEP Testing for College Credit - As an alternative to dual credit courses at the local community college, you might want to explore the concept of testing out of certain college requirements while still in high school.


Lesson 10 - Preparing for College - Guest author JoJo Tabares will discuss the essentials for applying to colleges and the number one skill your child will need before he goes. 


Lesson 11 - Applying for Financial Aid - Wondering how you can ever send your son or daughter off to college with the cost of attendance skyrocketing as it is? Learn how your high school senior can search, apply for and perhaps win a piece of the scholarship pie.  Includes Scholarship Tracking Tool.


Lesson 12 - Financial Literacy for Teens - A preliminary step in getting ready to "Launch Your Teen for Success" is preparing him for adulthood with a crash course in financial literacy.


Lesson 13 - Launching For Success - Guide your teens in these 5 areas of successful adulthood responsibilities - relationships/people skills, business and/or employment, money management, parenting and keeping first things first.


EXTRA RESOURCE - Forms and Checklists - Keeping Your Highschooler Organized and On-Track. 10 super helpful forms, plus a checklist for what needs to be accomplished / scheduled for all four years of high school.


Or get them all right now for just $49.00 - a savings of $6.30.


Get $10 off the entire course when you use coupon code - kq10off

Download the PDF Slides here. 


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