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Terri's Speaking Information

I would love to speak for your event! Please contact me directly at terri@knowledgequestmaps.com to inquire about my availability.

Thank you, Terri. Your session was amazing
and my favorite one so far! Thank you for
the awesome information!
Lori, The Old Schoolhouse

A Little About Me:

I've been speaking publicly for over 8 years and enjoy interacting with a live audience. My expertise in homeschooling all age groups and grades through graduation connects me well to today's homeschool parent. My passion is to encourage parents to pursue what really matters and endure through the difficult mid-way point. That's when the rubber meets the road and most of us need a little extra encouragement and equipping to get to the finish line.

Terri speaking

My husband, Todd, and I have been teaching our six children at home for 15 years. We've graduated two and have four to go. Together we operate a publishing company - Knowledge Quest, Inc. - publisher of history and geography materials primarily for the homeschool marketplace, including the popular Map Trek and A Child's Geography series. We have two online classes we teach - Homeschooling ABCs (www.homeschoolingabcs.com) - dedicated to helping new homeschoolers gain the confidence and the necessary skills to successfully teach their children at home; and Upper Level Homeschool (www.upperlevelhomeschool.com) - encouraging and equipping homeschooling parents to stay the course even when their teen enter high school and to finish the race strong.

My Most-Requested Sessions are:

Stay Strong

Start Fresh... Stay Strong... Finish Well...

In this workshop, Terri addresses the issues of priorities and vision, routine and consistency, flexibility and customized education. Homeschooling is not a 100-yard dash; it is a full-on marathon. How can we keep the material fresh, our resolve constant, our attitudes positive, and our goals in sight day after day, week after week, year after year? This workshop is for homeschool parents who are in the trenches, who have been worn down and have reached that point in their homeschooling where they are not sure how much longer they can go on. Burnt out? Come and drink from the refreshing waters of renewed hope and vision. 

Come Let's Go

Come… Let’s Go Into All the World

Learn how to teach geography in an integrated way. Our world is an amazing place! The landscape, the people, the history… they are all intertwined. And it is absolutely delightful to explore the near and far corners of our globe together as a homeschool family. While I am proud to be an American, I realize that we live in one of the most egocentric nations on earth. Together, through the study of geography, we can learn more about the shape of our globe, the struggle of people groups to rule and conquer prime real estate, the constant shifting of political boundaries. But mostly, we should strive to understand and appreciate the people that God has placed upon this earth and how the lay of the land and the rub of neighbors affect cultures. Come… Let’s learn how to go into all the world together as families. (Note: no airline tickets necessary.)

Teach with Tech

Teaching with Tech

In this fast moving society where technological advances are made daily, it can be hard to keep up. And frankly, it’s not necessary. While it may feel as though we are the first generation to deal with such high-tech advancements, especially in the realm of education, that is certainly not the case. In this workshop, we will explore the history of technology, today’s techy gadgets and how they can be used to make teaching a variety of subjects easier. We’ll discuss fear and potential dangers. We’ll discuss safeguards and proper handling of the modern day magical devices most of us carry in our pockets. This fast-paced workshop will equip you with strategies and specific app suggestions for a variety of subjects. (Note: strong emphasis on Kindle and Apple.) 

Fast Track

On the Fast Track to Homeschool Success

When a family decides to homeschool, the parent may feel like they are entering into "The Great Experiment." How do I know if I can do this? What if my kids are reluctant or difficult to teach? Can I be sure that I will be successful in this critical endeavor? What if I fail? This workshop, designed for new homeschool families, will give you the tools, the vision and the encouragement that you need to succeed. Come and be equipped to make a difference in the lives of your kids through sound parenting and educational principles that will put you on the fast-track to homeschooling success.

Choose Curricula

Help! How Do I Choose Curricula?

Homeschooling has grown by 100% over the past decade. It is the fastest growing educational movement across the country. And this has resulted in an explosion of curricula to choose from. Before walking through the exhibit hall, narrow down your choices by exploring learning styles, philosophy of education, and the all-important "time vs. money" consideration before you buy. This workshop is designed especially for new homeschooling families, but all homeschoolers overwhelmed by curricula shopping are welcome to attend.

Homeschooling High School

Facing the Giant - Homeschooling Through High School

Terri, a homeschooling parent for 16 years who has graduated two and has four more to go, will help you gain a vision for homeschooling through the high school years. We’ll discuss the benefits, the challenges, the record-keeping and the decision to continue homeschooling until graduation. This workshop will help you with the big picture and the nitty-gritty details of homeschooling through high school. Trust me… these can be the best years of your homeschool journey. Listen in here - http://vimeo.com/user11480093/review/77171187/057d4d6ca8

Thank you for the webinar. It was really helpful as I make my plans for fall! My favorite session was Homeschooling Through High School. Thank you for the incredible amount of information!

~ Shaura

If you decide to book me for your live event, these are my commitments to you as you prepare for your event:

1. Prompt, professional replies to your emails and phone calls.
2. A personal phone consultation with me, so I can best understand the outcome that the event planner is trying to create.
3. I will announce your event through my newsletter (40,000 subscribers) and social media channels (12,000 facebook fans).
4. I will create a custom webpage with slide presentations, hand-outs, relevant blog posts and any books/resources that I believe will be helpful to your audience.
5. Quick follow-up communication after the event.

Listen in!

Click the play buttons below (you may have to switch to the Internet Explorer browser if you do not see the play button) to listen to one or more of my recorded sessions.

Start Fresh... Stay Strong... Finish Well:

Part 1 -   

Part 2 -

Part 3 -


Teaching with Tech:

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Part 3 -


Facing the Giant - Homeschooling Through High School:



Here are a couple head-shots you can use:

Terri Johnson

Terri Johnson

Previous Speaking Engagements include:

Christian Heritage Conference in Bellevue, WA

Christian Home Educators of Colorado

Great Homeschool Convention - Cincinnati, OH

Great Homeschool Convention - Long Beach, CA

OCEANetwork - Portland, OR

The Old Schoolhouse Expo

The Ultimate Homeschool Expo

Heart of the Matter Online

iHomeschool Studio


Upcoming Engagements:

iHomeschool Network - February 11, 2014

Teach Them Diligently - Nashville, TN - March 20-22, 2014

Christian Heritage Conference - WA - April 24-26, 2014

Washington Homeschool Organization - June 13-14, 2014

OCEANetwork - Portland, OR - June 20-21, 2014


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