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Homeschooling ABCs

This course is primarily for beginning homeschool parents. Don't let self-doubt, or lack of experience, rob you of the best first year possible! All you need are a few basic "how-to's" and your homeschool can be up and running in 48 hours or less.  Read all of the details about the class at the link above.

Homeschooling ABCs header

Would you rather purchase these lessons a-la-carte, instead of the 6 month course?

For just $2.95 each (or less), you can access any or all of the lessons below. At this price, you can download just one to check them out or purchase a handful as a great source of encouragement, tips and tools for a successful homeschool!

"Thank you sooooo much for the a-la-carte option!! What a wonderful idea. I totally enjoyed the first 5 lessons, and I've purchased the other lessons I felt would be helpful to my situation. Thank you for trying so hard to make it affordable! Your efforts are much appreciated. God Bless" - Dawn

Lesson A - 10 Steps to a Great Start in Homeschooling - Ready to get started homeschooling, but not sure where to start?  These 10 steps will set you in the direction of a successful homeschooling endeavor.


Lesson B - Let's Begin with the Basics - Sometimes we make things so complicated and difficult.  Discover what is truly important and focus on the basics for a solid academics and character development in your home.


Lesson C - Scheduling and Organization - It's so tempting to copy the classroom when it comes to homeschooling our kids, but there are actually much better ways to facilitate learning in our unique home-learning situation.


Lesson D - Dare to Differentiate (Learning Styles) - Explore the 3 main learning styles and discover your preferred method of teaching and your child's preferred method of learning.


Lesson E - Establish Your Philosophy of Education - Discover what you believe about education and how that translates to your home learning environment.  Enlightening.


Lesson F - Finding the Best Curriculum for Your Family - With so many choices out there, do you wonder how you can find the curricula that best fits with your family.  This lesson breaks down and simplifies the process.


Lesson G - Get Together: Networking with Other Homeschoolers - Homeschooling is no place for the long ranger!  We all need to get connected to and encouraged by fellow homeschoolers.  Find out how and why.


Lesson H - Hands-On Learning for Maximum Retention - We are teaching to retain, no just hear ourselves talk, right?  Find out how you can teach and explore for maximum retention with your children.


Lesson I - Internet and Library Skills (AKA Free Resources) - Let's face it... times and money are tight right now.  Find out how to take advantage of all the free resources that are at your disposal.


Lesson J - Just Say No - Staying Focused and On-Track (And When to Say "Yes!") - Sometimes teaching at home means endless interruptions.  This lesson will show you how to drastically reduce them and get more done in less time.


Lesson K - Keeping Up with Kindergarteners and Preschoolers - This is a super fun age, but exhausting also.  Learn how to keep your young ones pleasantly occupied AND learning at the same time.


Lesson L - Living and Learning at Home (voted MOST favorite lesson!) - Just because you have chosen to homeschool doesn't mean that all of your other tasks magically disappear.  Learn how to stay on top of your tasks and enjoy homeschooling as well.


Lesson M - Math Can Be Fun! And it should be - Dry your kids' tears and change up your approach to math in such a way that will bring smiles instead of cries.


Lesson N - Nature Studies and Science Exploration - Let's explore several different approaches to science and which one best suits you.


Lesson O - Out the Door: Time for a Field Trip - Sometimes we all need a break or a change of pace.  This lesson will help you to get organized and enjoy that next field trip.  Lots of ideas included.


Lesson P - Phonics, Reading and Spelling - This lesson provides tips for encouraging reading and developing spelling skills for students of all ages.


Lesson Q - The Quintessential Expression of Art and Music - Learn how music and art instruction can expand your child's brain and help him to think more logically.


Lesson R - Review and FAQ (addresses Special Needs issues) - This lesson answers the most frequently asked questions of regular subscribers.  However, the majority of the text deals with special needs issues.


Lesson S - The "S" Question: What About Socialization? - Be equipped and ready to answer this all-too-popular question of homeschoolers.


Lesson T - Teaching the Multi-Grade Homeschool (Toddlers to Teens) - Have a large family or children spread out in years?  This lesson will help you to manage the different needs and abilities of each age group.


Lesson U - Used Curriculum: What To Do With It? - Find the best places to buy and sell used curricula online.


Lesson V - Validate Their Progress with Evaluations (Testing/Evaluations) - Should you test and when?  This special report will help you come to some important conclusions.


Lesson W - Writing's Not So Tough! - Especially when it is broken down into manageable pieces and the subjectivity is taken out of it.


Lesson X Part 1 - Explore His Earth Through History - Enjoy learning history with your children, plus find out my favorite history programs.


Lesson X Part 2 - Explore His Earth Through Geography - Do we have to teach geography?  Yes and no.  Find out the best ways to get geography information into our kids in a painless way.


Lesson Y - Yes, You Can Homeschool High School - In fact, you will be glad that you did!  Learn how to fulfill the requirements and prepare your son or daughter for college.


Lesson Z - Z End is Just the Beginning (Plus Scope and Sequence) - This lesson includes two pull out sections that you will refer to for years to come.


Or get them all right now for just $67.00 - Save $12.65 over purchasing them individually.


Plus, when you order the full course above, you will receive over $250 in curriculum bonuses!  


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