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Easy Timeline Creator

Software for creating timelines for any time period you choose!

100 Clip-art included

Grade Level: 5-12 grades

Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/7


It is a proven fact that completing timelines help cement historical facts for students and adults alike. A timeline can become the compilation of a student's learning. Seeing the progression of time in the form of a timeline will allow your student to gain a better understanding of the flow of history.

The truth is... many students may study the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks, the end of Hundred Years' War between France and Britain, and the printing of the first book, the Gutenberg Bible, never realizing that these three events all happened within the same year - 1453AD. These events are seemingly unrelated and yet the use of a timeline can unlock the mystery as to why all of these events occurred within the same year. A timeline will give your student a unique perspective of time. By seeing the events of history recorded in linear progression, your students will make connections between those events in history that they might not otherwise make.

Easy Timeline Creator is an easy, flexible and fast software program to use. The learning curve is short and the results are spectacular. Your student builds the timeline on the computer and then prints out the final product. The finished timeline can be displayed upon the wall or assembled into a notebook. This timeline software will last you all the way through your homeschooling years.

"The beauty of a computer generated timeline is that it only uses the space that it needs. It can expand to include as many details as your student would like to include on it and there are no empty holes where information has been left out. This writer is greatly impressed with the software program Easy Timeline Creator. It is flexible and user-friendly and great for the student who would prefer to build his timeline from the computer." - Terri

Click on sample links to view some completed timeline projects: 

Greece and Rome
The Civil War
World War II

Sorry Mac users, this software is only compatible with Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/7.



Price: US $29.95

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